Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rate My AIDS

Submitted my second article; the editor liked it, said she may make it their lead feature for their July issue. That's quite good news, I'd say, but it remains to be seen if I can get further work with larger-circulation magazines. I'll just have to keep plugging at it.

Speaking of keeping on plugging at it, I've got my bloods this afternoon. As I've said before, I'm broadly ambivalent about getting this done. Academic curiosity about what me "score" is now is about the only big thing about it. Sure, if it's that I have more toes that CD4 cells, then perhaps I've got to think seriously about how to respond to that, but... I was about to say I hope my count's about the same as before and high, but I don't know that that's true. I'm healthy. I'm healthy however many little squiggly white cells are defending my body from invaders.

Still. Wish me luck, eh? The power of +ve thinking.

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