Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Bleeding Moles

While having sex with a guy I'd met through the web last week, he caught a mole on my back and I told him my status, which then initiated a huge panic about whether or not I'd exposed him to the virus. I felt an enormous surge of guilt that I'd not said from the beginning or that I'd not just gone with positive guys like I had considered before. Looking back on the experience, though, I think that rather than prompting me to go all out and tell everyone I meet that I am infected and thus infectious, that I'll stop telling people. This may sound callous and dangerous, but I will tell people instead that my status isn't known, that I haven't tested for a long time so can't say I'm sure about my status. In addition I will take extra cautious about making sure I don't expose other people to risk of transmission.

As I said before, I don't think I want to start choosing partners on the basis of their serostatus because that feels unnecessarily leper colony and distinctly punitive, something I want to avoid quite keenly. I am, however, going to start looking into getting moles and skin tags removed because they do present a risk of bleeding during encounters with other people and, as such, I should really try to minimise that risk. It means telling my GP, which I'm not keen on doing right now, but I might wait until I've had my next clinic appointment with a doctor there who can tell me if that's a sensible precaution to take.

The idea that I'm even considering having parts of my body removed as a result of this infection is something that repulses me, but the annoyance of them being caught and the risk that poses to other people bothers me more, I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Normally I get annoyed at spam responses to blogs - but you have to admit that this week's automated robot reply is quite funny. There you are sharing an emotion-packed blog about rejection, disclosure and changing your body - and the spam response is:

"Hey - great blog! I have to TEA CART!!! It covers TEA CART related STUFF!"

So when you have that next clinic appointment and have a heavy heart debating whether or not to have bits cut out of your body - remember that someone, somewhere wants to share their CAKE RELATED SITE with you.

Don't let the bastards get you down. Big hugs from someone who truely doesn't care if you bleed on his linen or not. That's what plasters are for.

Hugs. xx